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The Business of You with Rachel Gogos

Apr 16, 2024

As a purpose-driven entrepreneur, you dream of creating an impact beyond yourself. But what does it really mean to find–and fulfill–your purpose? Ken Coleman has boiled it down to three essential ingredients.

Known as America’s Career Coach, Ken is a #1 national bestselling author and host of The Ken Coleman Show, a nationally syndicated radio show that airs in more than 35 cities across the U.S. every weekday. Ken has been featured on Fox & Friends, Yahoo! Finance, and the Rachael Ray Show. He speaks to large audiences nationwide on topics like personal development, career, and leadership. 

Whether you want to make a pivot in your business or are looking for new ways to maximize your potential, this episode will help you get the clarity, confidence, and courage you need to fulfill your unique purpose.

What Makes a Dream Job?

According to Ken, there are three components of meaningful work: talent, passion, and mission. Talent is what you’re good at, passion means you enjoy the work, and mission is derived from the results of that work–the impact it has on you and others.

For example, Ken’s talent is communication and he’s passionate about the topics he speaks about: career, leadership, and personal development. He’s also proud of the results that work produces and the impact his show has on others. 

Although your passions and talents may be an innate part of your identity, there’s no one right way to fulfill your purpose. Your vision and mission can change over time. If you find your purpose for your business waning, it may be time to reevaluate those three factors.

A Foundation of Faith

Growing up in a ministry home, Ken’s early life was shaped by watching his parents serve others. His father was a pastor and his mother was also heavily involved with their local church and community. 

Ken believes that you have a unique contribution to make to this world. Beyond your immediate family, there’s a greater purpose you’re called to –and you can fulfill that through your businesses.

Enjoy this episode with career coach and faith-based entrepreneur Ken Coleman…


“There is a unique role that we’re meant to fill. And boy is it meaningful when we figure out that role.”

“If you use what you do best, that’s your talent. If you do work you enjoy, that’s where the passion and the emotion come from. And if you create results that you value, it’s missional…if you’re doing what you do best that you love to produce results that matter to you–that’s going to feel like a dream.”

“The calling isn’t as specific as I think we make it. The calling is to contribute your unique way…now we get to determine how we make that unique contribution.”

“I want to communicate to make people think and feel differently, and as a result, act differently–to see their potential and meet their potential.”

“In order to do what you want to do, you need to be around people that are doing that and in places where it is happening.”

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