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The Business of You with Rachel Gogos

Jun 27, 2023

In Part 2 of my conversation with Jonathan Jackson, we dive deeper into his faith and passion for creative storytelling. 

If acting, music and writing were all about entertaining people, Jonathan would have left the industry behind a long time ago. Instead, he uses multiple creative channels to weave authentic stories...

Jun 20, 2023

Jonathan Jackson was a child actor in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. But since then, he has become a powerful artist, musician and creator. Now on The Business of You, Jonathan is sharing his unique story - including his journey to faith, fame and personal growth. 

Jonathan Jackson is a multi-faceted artist who...

Jun 13, 2023

If weeds were people, they’d be the ultimate entrepreneurs. Stu Heinecke has created a business strategy based on weeds, and it’s quickly taking root in the world of entrepreneurship.

Stu is a business growth strategist and the originator of Weed Strategy™. He is also a keynote speaker, renowned cartoonist...

Jun 6, 2023

You’ve never heard of a business like David Fischette’s. David is the Co-Founder, CEO, and Chief Creative at Go West Creative (GWC), an industry-leading marketing agency specializing in bringing brand stories to life through unparalleled live, virtual, and hybrid experiences. 

Go West has helped hundreds of...